Last night, Claudia and I went to the opera at
Janáčkovo divadlo to see Madama Butterfly (Madame Butterfly). The quality of the theater here in Brno is just awesome, and totally affordable. There are always busses on theater nights for people coming up from
Austria for performances. A ticket to the opera here is only 240 Kč (~$12). I would have to pay 3-5 times that amount for similar tickets in the USA.

Madama Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini is one of the most popular operas in the world. It is supposedly based on a true story. The plot takes place in the early 20th century in Nagasaki, Japan .
U.S. Navy Lieutenant B.F. Pinkerton becomes enchanted by Cio-Cio-San and takes the geisha as his wife. She gives up her ways and embrases his Christian

faith. What she doesn't know is that he plans to one day "really" marry an American woman.
Pinkerton goes to sea for 3 years while Cio-Cio-San waits for him to return. She does not believe that he has deserted her. One day he will return and she will tell him that they have a son.
When he does return, with his new wife, Kate, Cio-Cio-San is devestated. She agrees to give up her child if his father will take

him along. She then commits suicide so that she can die with honor rather than live in disgrace.
It takes talent to make such a cautionary tale into a gorgeous opera! I love that opera like so many other people do.