Czechs drink the most beer per capita in the world. Therefore it is important to know the rules when it comes to drinking.
For "cheers" you say
na zdraví which means "to your health" and it is very, very important that you look at each person in the eye as you clink glasses.
Be sure to never, ever cross your glass with someone else when you are clinking glasses. Across Europe it is thought that doing so will bring seven years of bad sex.
After you have clinked glasses with everyone then you can take a drink. This goes for beer, wine or spirits.
Moravia, the same rules apply for wine or shots but not beer. Here after you have finished looking everyone in the eye and have clinked glasses, then you tap your beer mug on the table (or your beer coaster) before your first sip.

If someone is drinking a nonalcoholic beverage then they do not participate in the cheers. However in the USA, everyone cheers, even if it is with a glass of water or a cola.
Since living in Europe, I find that I say "cheers" quite often and it has nothing to do with drinking. In
British English people also say "cheers" for "thanks" and "good bye".
With so many friends here from all over, plus all of my travels, I've learned how to say "cheers" in many languages.
Czech - Na zdraví
Polish - Na zdrowie
French - Santé
Dutch - Proost
Italian - Salute / Cin cin (Chin chin)
Bulgarian - Наздраве (Naz-dra-vey)
Irish - Sláinte (Slawn-ch)
Russian - Будем здоровы (Budem zdorovi)
Hebrew - לְחַיִּים (L’chaim)
Greek - γεια μας (Yamas)
Catalan - Salut
Portuguese - Saúde
Turkish - Şerefe
Estonian - Terviseks
Finish - Kippis
Icelandic - Skál
Danish, Norwegian and Swedish - Skål
Romanian - Noroc (No-rock)
German - Prost / Zum wohl
Romanians love to cheers with Germans and Austrians because in Romanian "prost" means "idiot".