Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Numbers 1-10

One of the most important things to learn, when you go to another country, is how to count. While not a permanent fix, you can always get by with saying numbers one at a time..."3-0-5" instead of "305". Most people will smile and humor you this way.

I'm still working on getting the bigger numbers down but the pronunciation is a killer. For those of you wanting to come visit, you can get by if you know 0 - 10, 100 and 1.000. So here you go...

0 = nula "noo-la"
1* = jeden / jedna / jedno "yeh-din, yehd-na, yehd-no"
2* = dva / dvě "dva / d-veh"
3 = tři "t-rzh-ee"
4 = čtyři "ch-ty-rzh-ee"
5 = pět "pyet"
6 = šest "sh-est"
7 = sedm "sedum"
8 = osm "osum"
9 = devět "devyet"
10 = deset "deset"
100 = sto "stoh"
1.000 = tisíc "tee-seets"

*It depends on what you are counting. Yes, the grammar is that complicated.

1 comment:

  1. interesting

    learned something new

    thanks for sharing!

