The Wonder Years premiered 33 years ago and depicted events from 20 years earlier. A similar show today would be set way back in 2001. I feel old.
This American TV show ran on ABC for six seasons from 1988 to 1993. It is considered by many to the one of the top 20 best shows of the 1980s.

The Czech equivalent is
Vyprávěj, which translates to "Tell" and it
aired on ČT1 from 2009 to 2013. I'm told that it is one of the most successful shows on Czech television. I'm currently watching series 1 online.

The show takes place in
Czechoslovakia, and latter on in Czech Republic, and centres on the Dvořák family. In each episode there are actual excerpts of the news and film from the time.

The show ran for five series and there are 106 episodes. Series one starts off in 1964 and series five ends in 2005. The box set has 34 DVDs and is around 99 hours of content.
Let's see how far I get through series one considering there are no subtitles.Side note: In the USA, a TV show is referred to as a "series" but in Euroland it is a "serial" while an American "season" is called a "series." So "season 1" in the USA is called "series 1" over here. This took me a little bit of time to get used to.
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