The Council of the European Union is one of the EU's three legislative bodies. It is also known as the Council or as the Council of Ministers, but the Council of the European Union isn't the same thing as the European Council. And it's definitely not the same thing Council of Europe.
The job of the Council of the European Union is to work with the European Parliament to amend, approve, or reject legislation proposed by the European Commission.
So the European Parliament represents the EU citizens are are directly elected by people in each country.
The Council of the European Union represents the governments and national interests of each EU country while the European Commission represents the interests of the EU as a whole.
The Council of the European Union has 10 different configurations and the national ministers from each member country participate. For example, the environmental ministers from each of the EU countries get together and sort out things in Environment configuration. The ten configurations are:
- Agriculture and Fisheries
- Competitiveness (which covers the internal EU market, industry, research & innovation, and space policy)
- Economic and Financial Affairs
- Education, Youth, Culture and Sport
- Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
- Environment
- Foreign Affairs
- General Affairs (cross-cutting policy areas like EU enlargement, the EU 7 year budget plan, and COVID-19)
- Justice and Home Affairs
- Transport, Telecommunications and Energy

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