Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Year Challenge

One of the big trends that's been going on is the 10 year challenge.  It's basically people  comparing  photos of themselves in 2009 and in 2019.  The photos are then posted on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  I didn't really feel like posting that but here's my take on the 10 year challenge.

Here's my comparison of the the countries I had been to in 2009 vs 2019.  By June 2009, right before I started this whole expat adventure, I had been to 18 countries in my life.  It may not look like that many on the map but lots of the Caribbean countries are small and aren't so visible on the map.

In 2019 I've been to 89 countries.  Wow!  One of the things that I love about living in Central Europe is that it is pretty easy to travel around.  It took me seven years to visit every country in Europe at least once.  

I won't ever be one of those world travellers that makes it to every country in the world but there are still quite a few that are still on my bucket list.  There are also many places still to visit in countries that I've already been to.

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