There is a party-list proportional representation election system here and deputies are elected to four-year terms. But if a party doesn’t get at least 5% of the vote then they don’t get a seat.
Voter turnout was at 61% and this was the second lowest voter turnout since the communist government fell in 1989. This was also the first time since the fall of communism that the communist party didn’t finish in the top 3. That's progress! Especially, since its only been 21 years since the Velvet Revolution.

Here's a quick guide to the parties here.
ČSSD is the Czech Social Democratic Party, left-wing

VV (Věci veřejné) is a center-right party.

KSČM is the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia. It’s interesting that they haven’t dropped the communist title from its name. Every other party in former Iron Curtain countries got rid of the word “communist”. Way left-wing.

There has been major campaigning going on for the last several months. Not that ignorance is bliss or anything, but I have to admit that it was kind of nice to have an election going on and not have to hear (understand) all of the rhetoric. I know that I should care more about Czech politics since I live here but it's not like I can vote or anything. At least I can still vote in the USA via absentee ballots and I don't have to listen to endless mudslinging.
There are absentee ballots. Fun fact: at the Vatican city won KDU-ČSL with 100% of total 3 (three :) votes.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you Chris on the sheer pleasure of getting to ignore all of the election rhetoric. I wonder if the Greens losing all of their seats is related to the time two Green ministers switched sides thereby bringing down the government of the Czech Republic right in the middle of the EU Presidency and a couple of days before Barack Obama came to visit? I'm also still fascinated that 11% or more of the population could vote for a party labeled "Communist" when you hear all of the horror stories about communist times.
ReplyDeleteKaren: Voters of the Communists are mostly people, who were communists in "these" times.
ReplyDeleteCzechoslovak communist party had about 2 millions members in eighties, although many of them was there for "practical" reasons.